"To Crazy Christian"

"To Crazy Christian" Analysis

    In this poem, Hemingway writes about a cat with some lively qualities. This poem seems to be talking about jealousy and envy. Being too good at something can put a target on you for some people. Hemingway is saying that people are envious of people who are better than them. Instead of trying to succeed and further their own life, people would rather cause harm to the person that is trying to live a happy life. 

    Hemingway describes the cat in the poem as happy, handsome, athletic, and collected. The bad cats killed Crazy Christian because of this. This serves as a reminder that some people are just pure evil. Evil can be around unexpectedly. It's often the innocent that get preyed on. Hemingway has written this to caution people of the evils in the world. He's probably seen some vile things at war and this poem is probably reflective of that. He uses a cat to demonstrate because we as humans feel more compassion for animals than humans sometimes. So Hemingway is trying to get us to feel bad for this cat but hopes that we make the realization that we should have the same compassion for humans. 


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