"To Good Guys Dead"
"To Good Guys Dead" Analysis
Another hate piece on war. Hemingway was sincerely not fond of war. This poem conveys that regular citizens are sucked in to fight for a cause that's "noble" when in reality it's not. "King and Country" (line 2). This is a rallying cry the British Army used for years. To start a charge the officer would yell "FOR KING AND COUNTRY" to hype up his men who are literally supposed to run into their probable death.
Hemingway references patriotism, democracy, religion, all as stupid reasons that humans spill blood for. "Words and Phrases" (line 8). Couldn't have said it better, I'm actually in agreeance. Hemingway didn't want to see innocent young lives gone to waste. The motivation for these soldiers were mere words, no substance at all in the grand scheme of things. Kings and leaders essentially trick their people to joining the war in Hemingway's view. This was done through propaganda. Propaganda is almost mind control. These exuberant advertisements are basically a ploy to get the government some labor and army power. In seeking to silence the terrorist screams of the world, many more lives were lost in the process.
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